Friday, September 5, 2008


I had a great surprise this week!! I got a surprise little gift on Tuesday when I got a surprise call from a friend from long ago that she and her daughter were traveling through Omaha on their way to Chicago and wanted to meet up.... It was so exciting, of course, that was the longest 5 hours to pass, but it was so worth the wait to get to see my friend once again and have dinner with her and her daughter Amy. My friend Christine is someone I met during my high school years... (that's been a LONG time ago)but it was like yesterday when we sat there together visiting. I have been blessed in my life with great life long friends all of whom I'm so very thankful for. I forgot my camera, but she didn't and so I will post a pic of us when she sends it to me. This year I have gotten to see many of my friends and it has been such a sweet experience getting back together.


Ladybug143 said...

That is awesome! It is nice when you can reconnect.

Anonymous said...

I wished I had dressed better

Debbie said...

Are you kidding... who can get past the beautiful face and that AWESOME red hair!!! Who cares what you have on. It was so awesome to get to see you again, thanks for coming by to see me!!