Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Weekend With My Boys

One of the greatest things about being a "Mom" is the fact that at any age... your children always love you... and I have four boys who are so good to me, who show me their love and respect and I'm so thankful for them. Heavenly Father has been so good to me. We got to spend 5 days this last week with all the boys together, and when we all get together... it is always so much fun. Aside from all the work that they got done there were a lot of time spent making memories, eating great food and just... spending time together. Look at this picture... I know you can understand what I mean when I say I'm the luckiest mom in the world!!


Ladybug143 said...

Super cute! I want that when my kids are grown. :)

Ashley said...

gross, i can barely stand one kellogg kissing me!!

Debbie said...

Your funny, but I understand... knowing the Kellogg you have!!! :-)