Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oh Jack... we just can't help but want to love you up!!!

Look at my cute little grandson Jack. He is 7 months old and is just a cutie. He is eating homemade baby food now and we can thank his mommy for that!! It has been 3 months since we've seen him in person and this picture that Ashley sent to me was just what I needed to see!! Oh... how I want to squish those little cheeky's!! And kiss and kiss and kiss them too!!!


Ladybug143 said...

You are such a grandma! :)

Ashley said...

i wish i could send you his cheek to borrow for a few days!! i'd still have the other one i guess. did you see the pics on my blog of the blueberries. it was so funny. my brother gave him a drink of pepsi today. i was soooooo mad. it was like 2 drops in a straw, but still. he is such a perfect little boy. well except his sleeping habits. he was up last night from 9pm-11pm. then again at 3am, then 6am. i'm getting pretty sick of that. its a pretty rare occasion for him to sleep through the night. my girls were much better sleepers by this age.