Monday, December 8, 2008


I feel like the luckiest Gramma in the world. Not only do I have gorgeous grandchildren, but my son and daughter in law know how to take beautiful pictures!!! Ashley is lucky enough to have a great camera and I feel like I am the lucky recipient of her talents!! Oh... life is GOOD!!
Ashley, I need you here to take pictures of Briggs at his sporting events as my camera just can't capture a good pictures no matter how hard I try.


Ashley said...

trust me, its not me, its the camera!!
i thought those pics turned out really well. you should see jack eat his little star puffs. he gets so excited when i first put them on the tray. it grabs two big handfuls and tries to stuff them all in his mouth at the same time. i'll have to get it on video so you can see.

Liz said...

The only way to get good pics at a game is to get out on the field or floor when they are playing, or invest in a $1000 camera. Mine are not good either. Good thing I know who is in the picture. If I'm lucky they run by the side and I'll grab a good one once in a while.