Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm Back!!!

It just seems unreal to me that I was in New York City and now I'm already back home and sitting at my computer once again... It was the fastest 5 days on my life. I don't think I have ever toured, sight saw, eat or slept, walked and talked as fast as I did these last few days... The pace in New York City is crazy, your up early and going to bed late, and not relaxing for a second when your there... There's just too much to do and see!! But, this is the life style of New York City dwellers... it was fun to watch and sit back and consider for a while. When we think of going to work or somewhere, we get in our car and cruise to where ever we're going... in NYC they get up and get on a ferry or walk to wherever it is that your going. I guess it's not so different, just a different way of doing things.
I can tell you this trip was worth every dime I spent, truly a life experience.
We got to go to the Manhattan Temple while we were there. It is right on the busy street, as if it were a store, but of course, the inside was just like we expected it to be and I am so grateful that I got that experience also. I am going to post a couple of my most favorite pictures cuz... I have literally 100's of them, but only my favorites will be posted here. Next time your going to NYC, let me know... I'll go with!!

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